Comparative Historical Analysis of Archival Primary Sources on Communist Worldbuilding
Select two primary sources from one of the thematic clusters below that you believe will generate a productive comparison across different social groups, geographic regions, or historical periods. Construct an interpretive thesis about the communist worldbuilding project(s) represented by the two primary sources and provide specific evidence from the primary sources in support of your argument. Your essay should situate and contextualize the primary sources using academic reference sources and scholarly secondary sources.
As you develop your ideas and claims, consider the following questions of historical analysis: At what time, in what location, and by which historical actors were these primary sources produced? What was the original purpose of these primary sources and who was their intended audience? How do the genre and/or medium of the sources impact their dissemination? What cultural perspectives are being represented in these sources and what power relationships inhere in the projects they represent? If your sources address two different social or geographical contexts, how would you characterize their different appeals to their audiences? If they address the same social and geographical context but across different historical periods, what change has happened over time? How would you characterize that change and who or what is responsible for it?
As primary sources that represent communist worldbuilding projects, these sources draw on ideas, vocabularies, and images/symbols whose meaning transcended individual national borders or cultural contexts. How are these being marshaled in your specific sources? How are they being adapted to a particular historical context or cultural perspective? Many of the sources you explore will make specific claims about the historical past or the contemporary political reality to which they speak. You should not accept these claims uncritically. Rather, consider how they work as rhetorical appeals to a specific audience. How do these primary sources thus depict or frame the past or present reality? What kind of world do they hope to build in the future?
Your final paper will be 6–7 pages in length and will be worth 35% of your writing grade.
Learning Goals
- Make specific, complex, arguable claims
- Produce unified, cohesive body paragraphs that contain arguable topic sentences, well-selected and properly-integrated evidence from the primary sources and scholarly reference sources, and rhetorically-effective introduction, conclusion, and transitions between ideas
- Adopt the appropriate stance, style, and genre conventions of historical and comparative analysis
- Develop intermediate-level information literacy skills for locating contextual information and conducting research at the university library and using online scholarly databases
- Begin to evaluate scholarly claims, identify scholarly conversations, and integrate secondary source material in writing
- Practice process-oriented writing and learn flexible strategies for generating, revising, editing, and proofreading drafts while also reflecting on the process of writing itself
Required Reading
Before you begin brainstorming for this assignment, make sure you have read the following:
- Robertson, James. “Historical Analysis and Archival Research.” Humanities Core Handbook: Worldbuilding 2022–2023, XanEdu, 2022, pp. 167–177.
Essay 4 Sources
Primary Source Cluster 2: Gender Equality
Primary Source Cluster 3: Anti-racism
Primary Source Cluster 4: Economic Development
Primary Source Cluster 5: Social Equality
Primary Source Cluster 6: Youth Rebellion and Counterculture
Reference Resources and Scholarly Secondary Sources
Primary Source Cluster 1: Anti-imperialism [PDFs on Canvas]
Boade, Jesús Florjans. Africa. 1969. ¡Mira Cuba! The Cuban Poster Art from 1959. SilvanaEditoriale, 2013, p. 195.
Castro, Fidel. “Manifesto for the Liberation of the Americas: ‘The Second Declaration of Havana.’” 1962. Fidel Castro Reader, edited by David Deutschmann and Deborah Shnookal, Ocean Press, 2007, pp. 241-67.
Central Bureau of Jewish Sections, Communist Party of Russia. “The slogan of the Jewish proletariat must be ‘Hands off Palestine!’” 1920. To See the Dawn: Baku, 1920–First Congress of the Peoples of the East, edited by John Riddell, Pathfinder, 1993, pp. 324-7.
The Chinese people unreservedly support the democratic and nationalist movements of the African, Asian and Latin American peoples! Down with imperialism! Down with colonialism!. 1960. Les années Mao: Une histoire de la Chine en affiches (1949-1979), edited by Jean-Yves Bajon, Les éditions du Pacifique, 2001, p. 53.
Heartfield, John. Demand an atomic weapons ban! 1955. Signs of the Times: Political Posters in Central and Eastern Europe 1945-95, edited by James Aulich and Marta Sylvestrová, Manchester UP, 1999, p. 189.
Hinze, Eva. International Children’s Day. In peace and democracy. 1951. Signs of the Times: Political Posters in Central and Eastern Europe 1945-95, edited by James Aulich and Marta Sylvestrová, Manchester UP, 1999, p. 168.
Jewish Communist Party (Poale Zion) Delegation to the Baku Congress. “Settle and colonize Palestine on communist principles.” 1920. To See the Dawn: Baku, 1920–First Congress of the Peoples of the East, edited by John Riddell, Pathfinder, 1993, pp. 319-24.
Kogout, N. Proletarii vsekh stran, soedinyaites’! [Workers of all countries, Unite!]. No date (1920?). The Bolshevik Poster, by Stephen White, Yale UP, 1988, p. 102.
Let’s unite all of the Asian people to fight the secret designs of a new assault by American imperialism. 1955. Les années Mao: Une histoire de la Chine en affiches (1949-1979), edited by Jean-Yves Bajon, Les éditions du Pacifique, 2001, p. 35.
Martínez, Olivio. Guatemala, 1968. ¡Mira Cuba! The Cuban Poster Art from 1959. SilvanaEditoriale, 2013, p. 193.
Moor, D. S. Narodam Kavkaza [To the Peoples of the Caucasus]. 1920. The Bolshevik Poster, by Stephen White, Yale UP, 1988, p. 51.
Moor, D. S. Tovarishchi Musulman’e! [Comrade Muslims]. 1919. The Bolshevik Poster, by Stephen White, Yale UP, 1988, p. 52.
Morante, Rafael. Visit Grenada. 1982. ¡Revolución! Cuban Poster Art, edited by Lincoln Cushing, Chronicle Books, 2003, p. 77.
Pechankova, K. For peace in Korea! Victory of the Korean people in their struggle for freedom. 1952. Signs of the Times: Political Posters in Central and Eastern Europe 1945-95, edited by James Aulich and Marta Sylvestrová, Manchester UP, 1999, p. 188.
Rajlich, Jan. Vietnam, 1966. Signs of the Times: Political Posters in Central and Eastern Europe 1945-95, edited by James Aulich and Marta Sylvestrová, Manchester UP, 1999, p. 196.
Savior. 1968. Chinese Propaganda Posters,
Soviet Peoples Council on Commissars. “Appeal to all toiling Muslims of Russia and the East.” 1917. To See the Dawn: Baku, 1920–First Congress of the Peoples of the East, edited by John Riddell, Pathfinder, 1993, pp. 282-5.
“To Be a Revolutionary, One Must Have the Revolutionary Will.” 1960. Chinese Communism: Selected Documents, edited by Dan N. Jacobs and Hans H. Baerwald, Harper & Row, 1963, pp. 178-186.
Zhdanov, Andrei. “The Two-Camp Policy.” 1947. From Stalinism to Pluralism: A Documentary History of Eastern Europe Since 1945, edited by Gale Stokes, Oxford UP, 1996, pp. 38-42.
Zhou Ruizhuang. Vigorously support the anti-imperialist struggle of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America. 1967. Chinese Propaganda Posters,
Primary Source Cluster 2: Gender Equality [PDFs on Canvas]
Beltran, Félix. Libertad para Angela Davis [Freedom for Angela Davis]. 1971. ¡Mira Cuba! The Cuban Poster Art from 1959. SilvanaEditoriale, 2013, p. 207.
Bushueva, Anastasiia. “Learning to Labor.” 1932. The Russia Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Adele Barker and Bruce Grant, Duke UP, 2010, pp. 378-87.
The dragon and the phoenix are good omens. 1959. Les années Mao: Une histoire de la Chine en affiches (1949-1979), edited by Jean-Yves Bajon, Les éditions du Pacifique, 2001, p. 49.
Federación de Mujeres Cubanas. International Women’s Day March 8 [Marzo 8 Dia Internacional de la Mujer]. 1974. The Lindsay Webster Collection of Cuban Posters,
Kollontai, Alexandra. “Theses on Communist Morality in the Sphere of Marital Relations.” 1921. Selected Writings of Alexandra Kollontai, edited and translated by Alix Holt, Norton, 1977, pp. 225-31.
Mederos, René. Factory of Agricultural Implements in Mountain Caves [Fabrica de Implementos Agricols en las Cuevas de las Montañas]. 1969. The Lindsay Webster Collection of Cuban Posters.
The Uniforms [Los Uniformes]. 1973. The Lindsay Webster Collection of Cuban Posters,
What the October Revolution has given the Worker and Peasant Woman [Chto dala Oktybr’skaya Revolyutsiya rabotnitse i krest’yanke], 1920. The Bolshevik Poster, by Stephen White, Yale UP, 1988, p. 111.
Primary Source Cluster 3: Anti-racism [PDFs on Canvas]
Abreu, Lázaro and Emory Douglas. Solidarity with the African American People. 1968. ¡Revolución! Cuban Poster Art, edited by Lincoln Cushing, Chronicle Books, 2003, p. 75.
Beltran, Félix. Libertad para Angela Davis [Freedom for Angela Davis]. 1971. ¡Mira Cuba! The Cuban Poster Art from 1959. SilvanaEditoriale, 2013, p. 207.
Chairman Mao is the great liberator of the world’s revolutionary people. 1968.,
Changzhou Workers, Peasants and Soldiers Art Creation Class. The feelings of friendship between the peoples of China and Africa are deep. 1972. Chinese Propaganda Posters,
Cordoba, Rolando. Freedom Now! For the Wilmington 10. 1979. The Lindsay Webster Collection of Cuban Posters.
García, Daysi. Day of Solidarity with the Afro-American People August 18. 1969. The Lindsay Webster Collection of Cuban Posters,
Gonzáles, Alberto Blanco. Apartheid. 1982. The Lindsay Webster Collection of Cuban Posters.
Guo Hongwu. Revolutionary friendship is as deep as the ocean. 1975.,
Lewis, Oscar, Ruth M. Lewis, and Susan M. Rigdon. “The Literacy Campaign.” 1977. The Cuba Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Aviva Chomsky et al., Duke UP, 2019, pp. 363-7.
Morante, Rafael. Power to the People George. 1971. ¡Revolución! Cuban Poster Art, edited by Lincoln Cushing, Chronicle Books, 2003, p. 98.
President Mao! The revolutionary peoples of the whole world love you infinitely! 1969. Les années Mao: Une histoire de la Chine en affiches (1949-1979), edited by Jean-Yves Bajon, Les éditions du Pacifique, 2001, p. 92.
Savior. 1968. Chinese Propaganda Posters,
Vkhutemas, My razrushaem granitsy mezhdu stranami [We Destroy the Boundaries between Countries]. 1921. The Bolshevik Poster, by Stephen White, Yale UP, 1988, p. 103.
Primary Source Cluster 4: Economic Development [PDFs on Canvas]
Bushueva, Anastasiia. “Learning to Labor.” 1932. The Russia Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Adele Barker and Bruce Grant, Duke UP, 2010, pp. 378-87.
Chinese Communist Party. “Resolution Adopted by the Eighth Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, Peking, December 10, 1958.” 1958. Chinese Communism: Selected Documents, edited by Dan N. Jacobs and Hans H. Baerwald, Harper & Row, 1963, pp. 109-32.
The dragon and the phoenix are good omens. 1959. Les années Mao: Une histoire de la Chine en affiches (1949-1979), edited by Jean-Yves Bajon, Les éditions du Pacifique, 2001, p. 49.
Guo Hongwu. Revolutionary friendship is as deep as the ocean. 1975.,
Kaiser, J. and J. Koukolsky. Let us learn Russian. Let us learn from the Soviet peoples. Work, think, live in a new way. 1951. Signs of the Times: Political Posters in Central and Eastern Europe 1945-95, edited by James Aulich and Marta Sylvestrová, Manchester UP, 1999, p. 140.
Khvostenko, Vasily Venaiminovich. Okna Rosa [Rosta Window] Posters 714, 1920. Power to the People: Early Soviet Propaganda Poster in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, edited by Alex Ward, Lund Humphries, 2007, p. 46-7.
Klutsis, G. G. Toward the Leninist Days [K leninskim dnaym]. 1930. The Bolshevik Poster, by Stephen White, Yale UP, 1988, p. 118.
League of Communists of Yugoslavia. “The Challenge of Self-Management.” 1958. From Stalinism to Pluralism: A Documentary History of Eastern Europe Since 1945, edited by Gale Stokes, Oxford UP, 1996, pp. 97-9.
Let us fight for the industrialization of our homeland by drawing inspiration from the advanced production methods of the Soviets. 1953. Les années Mao: Une histoire de la Chine en affiches (1949-1979), edited by Jean-Yves Bajon, Les éditions du Pacifique, 2001, p. 27.
Let us work under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman Mao to make China a socialist and prosperous country. 1954. Les années Mao: Une histoire de la Chine en affiches (1949-1979), edited by Jean-Yves Bajon, Les éditions du Pacifique, 2001, p. 22.
Let’s move forward at high speed! Let’s build the motherland! Let’s protect the motherland! 1978. Les années Mao: Une histoire de la Chine en affiches (1949-1979), edited by Jean-Yves Bajon, Les éditions du Pacifique, 2001, p. 122.
Lewis, Oscar, Ruth M. Lewis, and Susan M. Rigdon. “The Literacy Campaign.” 1977. The Cuba Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Aviva Chomsky et al., Duke UP, 2019, pp. 363-7.
Mayakovsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich. All for Farming Equipment Repair Week! (GlavPolitProsvet [GPP] Posters 81), 1921. Power to the People: Early Soviet Propaganda Poster in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, edited by Alex Ward, Lund Humphries, 2007, p. 72-3.
Mayakovsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich. Peace with foreign countries – it’s really more stable than sand… (GlavPolitProsvet [GPP] Posters 207). 1921. Power to the People: Early Soviet Propaganda Poster in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, edited by Alex Ward, Lund Humphries, 2007, p. 96-7.
Mederos, René. To Camaguey–With the Faith and Valor of the Attackers of the Moncada. 1971(?). ¡Revolución! Cuban Poster Art, edited by Lincoln Cushing, Chronicle Books, 2003, p. 45.
Randall, Margaret. “Women in the Swamps.” 1974. The Cuba Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Aviva Chomsky et al., Duke UP, 2019, pp. 336-42.
Stalin, Joseph. “Dizzy with Success.” 1930. The Russia Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Adele Barker and Bruce Grant, Duke UP, 2010, pp. 419-20.
Study hard Marxism, Leninism, and the thought of Mao Ze Dong! Let’s build a prosperous China!. 1952. Les années Mao: Une histoire de la Chine en affiches (1949-1979), edited by Jean-Yves Bajon, Les éditions du Pacifique, 2001, p. 15.
Szancer, Jan Marcin. Friendship and alliance with the USSR assure the peace, independence and prosperity of our homeland. 1953. Signs of the Times: Political Posters in Central and Eastern Europe 1945-95, edited by James Aulich and Marta Sylvestrová, Manchester UP, 1999, p. 160.
Yin Tse-ming. “The Strength of the Masses is Limitless.” 1958. Chinese Communism: Selected Documents, edited by Dan N. Jacobs and Hans H. Baerwald, Harper & Row, 1963, pp. 105-8.
Primary Source Cluster 5: Social Equality [PDFs on Canvas]
Apsit, A. 1st May [I Maya]. 1919. The Bolshevik Poster, by Stephen White, Yale UP, 1988, p. 32.
Apsit, A. Year of the Proletarian Dictatorship [God proletarskoi diktatury]. 1918. The Bolshevik Poster, by Stephen White, Yale UP, 1988, p. 27.
Boffa, Giuseppe. “Who Lives Better?” 1959. The Russia Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Adele Barker and Bruce Grant, Duke UP, 2010, pp. 551-8.
Bushueva, Anastasiia. “Learning to Labor.” 1932. The Russia Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Adele Barker and Bruce Grant, Duke UP, 2010, pp. 378-87.
Communist Party of Azerbaijan. “A New World.” 1920. To See the Dawn: Baku, 1920–First Congress of the Peoples of the East, edited by John Riddell, Pathfinder, 1993, pp. 308-11.
Kuron, Jacek and Karol Modzelewski. “The Kuron-Modzelewski Open Letter to the Party.” 1965. From Stalinism to Pluralism: A Documentary History of Eastern Europe Since 1945, edited by Gale Stokes, Oxford UP, 1996, pp. 108-14.
Lengren, Zbigniew. American shoe advertisement. 1952. Signs of the Times: Political Posters in Central and Eastern Europe 1945-95, edited by James Aulich and Marta Sylvestrová, Manchester UP, 1999, p. 198.
Lenin, Vladimir. “The Withering Away of the State.” 1917. The Russia Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Adele Barker and Bruce Grant, Duke UP, 2010, pp. 331-5.
Lewis, Oscar, Ruth M. Lewis, and Susan M. Rigdon. “The Literacy Campaign.” 1977. The Cuba Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Aviva Chomsky et al., Duke UP, 2019, pp. 363-7.
Mao Tse-tung. “Let a Hundred Flowers Blossom, Let a Hundred Schools of Thought Contend.” 1957. Chinese Communism: Selected Documents, edited by Dan N. Jacobs and Hans H. Baerwald, Harper & Row, 1963, pp. 78-85.
Mao Tse-tung. “Report of an Investigation into the Peasant Movement in Hunan.” 1927. Chinese Communism: Selected Documents, edited by Dan N. Jacobs and Hans H. Baerwald, Harper & Row, 1963, pp. 17-28.
Mayakovsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich. Enemies surround us, we’ve a famine to fight… (GlavPolitProsvet [GPP] Posters 221), 1921. Power to the People: Early Soviet Propaganda Poster in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, edited by Alex Ward, Lund Humphries, 2007, p. 100-1.
Palomino, Arturo Alfonso. Education / A Weapon Against the Enemy. 1972. ¡Revolución! Cuban Poster Art, edited by Lincoln Cushing, Chronicle Books, 2003, p. 104.
Randall, Margaret. “Women in the Swamps.” 1974. The Cuba Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Aviva Chomsky et al., Duke UP, 2019, pp. 336-42.
Simakov, I. Long Live the Sun! May the Darkness be Hidden! [Da zdravstvuet solntse! Da skroetskya t’ma!], 1921. The Bolshevik Poster, by Stephen White, Yale UP, 1988, p. 37.
Vaculík, Ludvík. “Two Thousand Words to Workers, Farmers, Scientists, Artists, and Everyone.” 1968. From Stalinism to Pluralism: A Documentary History of Eastern Europe Since 1945, edited by Gale Stokes, Oxford UP, 1996, pp. 126-30.
Primary Source Cluster 6: Youth Rebellion and Counterculture [PDFs on Canvas]
Guevara, Che. “Socialism and Man.” 1965. The Cuba Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Aviva Chomsky et al., Duke UP, 2019, pp. 343-7.
Kollontai, Alexandra. “Make way for Winged Eros: A Letter to Working Youth.” 1923. Selected Writings of Alexandra Kollontai, edited and translated by Alix Holt, Norton, 1977, pp. 276-92.
Lewis, Oscar, Ruth M. Lewis, and Susan M. Rigdon. “The Literacy Campaign.” 1977. The Cuba Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Aviva Chomsky et al., Duke UP, 2019, pp. 363-7.
Martínez, Olivio. Che, 1971. ¡Mira Cuba! The Cuban Poster Art from 1959. SilvanaEditoriale, 2013, p. 185.
Masvidal, Francisco. 1st Conference on UNEAC Graphic Design. 1979. ¡Revolución! Cuban Poster Art, edited by Lincoln Cushing, Chronicle Books, 2003, p. 104.
Mederos, René. 1959-1969 Tenth Anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution. 1969. ¡Revolución! Cuban Poster Art, edited by Lincoln Cushing, Chronicle Books, 2003, p. 33.
Zhdanov, Andrei. “Soviet Literature: The Richest in Ideas.” 1934. The Russia Reader: History, Culture, Politics, edited by Adele Barker and Bruce Grant, Duke UP, 2010, pp. 413-6.
Reference Resources and Scholarly Secondary Sources
UCI Libraries has compiled a guide to resources on World Communism specifically for this assignment on the Humanities Core Research Guide. For more information on using library resources, review the Humanities Core Library Introduction Tutorial.
How to use the UCI VPN video
The following bibliography is by no means exhaustive but these are resources recommended by Professor Robertson that may be useful depending upon your choice of primary sources. These materials are available online (on Canvas or through UCI Libraries) or in the Course Reserve at UCI Langson Library for two hours at a time. To check out any material on Course Reserve, read the Reserves policy and then visit the Check Out desk at Langson Library.
Aulich, James and Marta Sylvestrová, editors. Signs of the Times: Political Posters in Central and Eastern Europe 1945-95. Manchester UP, 1999. [Selections in PDF]
Brown, Archie. The Rise and Fall of Communism. Harper Collins, 2009. [Selections in PDF & On reserve at Langson Library HX36.B74 2009]
Buckley, Mary. Women and Ideology in the Soviet Union. University of Michigan Press, 1989. [On reserve at Langson Library HQ1236.5.S68 B83 1989b]
Chomsky, Aviva. A History of the Cuban Revolution. Wiley Blackwell, 2015. [On reserve at Langson Library F1788.C465 2011]
Clark, Katerina. Eurasia without Borders: the Dream of a Leftist Literary Commons, 1919-1943. Harvard University Press, 2021. [Online through UCI Libraries]
Connelly, John. From Peoples into Nations: a History of Eastern Europe. Princeton University Press, 2020. [Online through UCI Libraries]
Cushing, Lincoln, editor. ¡Revolución! Cuban Poster Art. Chronicle Books, 2003. [Selections in PDF]
Djagalov, Rossen. From Internationalism to Postcolonialism: Literature and Cinema between the Second and the Third Worlds. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020. [Online through UCI Libraries]
Feinberg, Melissa. Communism in Eastern Europe. Routledge, 2021. [Online through UCI Libraries]
Fitzpatrick, Sheila. The Russian Revolution. Oxford University Press, 1994. [On reserve at Langson Library DK265 .F48 2008]
Frazier, Robeson Taj. The East is Black: Cold War China in the Black Radical Imagination. Duke University Press, 2015. [Online through UCI Libraries. On reserve at Langson Library E185.615.F728 2015]
Karl, Rebecca E. Mao Zedong and China in the Twentieth-Century World: a Concise History. Duke University Press, 2010 [Online through UCI Libraries].
Latner, Teishan A.. Cuban Revolution in America: Havana and the Making of a United States Left, 1968-1992. University of North Carolina Press, 2018. [Online through UCI Libraries]
Lovell, Julia. Maoism: a Global History. Alfred A. Knopf, 2019. [On reserve at Langson Library HX418.5.L588 2019]
Mark, James, Kalinovsky, Artemy M. and Marung, Steffi (eds.). Alternative Globalizations: Eastern Europe and the Postcolonial World. Indiana University Press, 2020. [Online through UCI Libraries]
McAdams, A. James. Vanguard of the Revolution: The Global Idea of the Communist Party. Princeton University Press, 2017. [Online through UCI Libraries]
¡Mira Cuba! The Cuban Poster Art from 1959. SilvanaEditoriale, 2013. [Selections in PDF]
Prashad, Vijay. The Darker Nations: A People’s History of the Third World. The New Press, 2007. [On reserve at Langson Library D883.P74 2007]
Service, Robert. Comrades!: A World History of Communism. Harvard University Press, 2010. [Selections in PDF & On reserve at Langson Library HX39 .S414 2007]
Smith, Stephen A. (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of the History of Communism. Oxford University Press, 2014. [Online through UCI Libraries]
Ward, Alex, editor. Power to the People: Early Soviet Propaganda Poster in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem. Lund Humphries, 2007. [Selections in PDF]
Wright, Thomas C. Latin America in the Era of the Cuban Revolution. Praeger, 2001. [On reserve at Langson Library F1414.2.W75 2001]