This quarter centers on various forms of resistance to empire. We will challenge the idea of conquest through an examination of the Inca empire; reflect on how literary revisions of traditional texts, such as Shakespeare’s Tempest, undermine the structures of power that sustain empire; and critique the responses of Indian anti-colonialists to the British Raj. We will reflect on how empire structures the way we think about conquest, mastery, oppression, rebellion, resistance, revolution, race, gender, civilization, otherness, community, legitimacy, property, and progress. And we will analyze these ideas in written texts, cultural artifacts, images, and film.
Your academic writing last quarter focused on formal elements of writing and argumentation: making arguable claims, choosing persuasive evidence, writing strong warrants, developing logical transitions, and composing rhetorically effective introductions and conclusions. This quarter, you will perfect those abilities while learning how to evaluate and integrate secondary sources.
Essay Prompts
Research Help
Peer Tutoring
Writing Center
UCI Support
Books will be available at the bookstore. Important: The course requires the specific editions listed.
Césaire, Aimé. A Tempest. Translated by Richard Miller. TCG Translations, 2002. ISBN 9781559362108.
Gandhi, Mohandas. “Hind Swaraj” and Other Writings. Edited by Anthony J. Parel. Centenary Edition. Cambridge University Press, 2009. ISBN 9780521146029.
Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. Signet Classics, ISBN 9780451527127.
Castillo, Larisa, ed. Humanities Core Writer’s Handbook. Xanedu, 2017. ISBN: 9781506698427.
Lectures are held:
M/W (not on Fridays) 9:00-9:50am in BS3 1200
M/W (not on Fridays) 11:00-11:50am in BS3 1200
Tu/Th 9:30-10:20am (not till 10:50am) in HIB 100
Students in Humanities Core enroll in a lecture and in a corresponding writing seminar. This calendar (subject to change) provides information about the lecturing faculty, readings, writing assignments, study questions (SQ), and special events. The reading assignment for each lecture should be completed before the lecture. The password for downloadable pdfs will be provided to enrolled students. If and when lecture slides are available for a particular lecture, a link to download them will be provided.
For information about your writing seminar, please sign in to MyEEE.
New to Humanities Core this quarter? Read these tips for success.
Date | Lecturer | Readings | Assignments/SQ | Events |
Wk 1 | ||||
1/8, 1/9 |
O’Toole |
Blanco Sío-López, “Inca Empire” [On-campus or VPN access required] de Jerez, excerpt from True Account of the Conquest of Peru (Province of Cuzco) PDF Titu Cusi Yupanqui, excerpt from An Inca Account of the Conquest of Peru PDF Writer’s Handbook, “What Historians Do and Why We Do It” |
Lecture 1a SQ | |
1/10, 1/11 |
O’Toole |
Restall, “The Indians Are Coming to an End: The Myth of Native Desolation”[On-campus or VPN access] | Lecture 1b SQ |
Special Friday Forum for students new to HumCore, Jan. 12, 11-11:50am, BS3 1200 Recommended: “Burma in Crisis: Panel,” 1/11, 4:30-5:30, HG 1030 |
Wk 2 | ||||
1/15, 1/16 | No Lecture Mon. or Tues.: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day | |||
1/17, 1/18 |
O’Toole |
Cummins, “We Are the Other” PDF Image: Don Marcos Chiquathopa (See also: Image Gallery) |
Friday Forum with Dr. Cohen-Aponte (Cornell), Jan. 19, 11am in BS31200 Recommended: Lecture by Dr. Cohen-Aponte, Jan. 19, 2pm in HG 1002 |
Wk 3 | ||||
1/22, 1/23 |
O’Toole |
Serulnikov, Revolution in the Andes, Chapters 5-6 (pp. 35-54). PDF |
Lecture 3a SQ | |
1/24, 1/25 |
O’Toole |
Scorer, “Andean Self-Fashioning” [On-campus or VPN access] Images: Photographs of Martin Chambi Video: Photographs of Hiram Bingham |
Lecture 3b SQ |
Friday Forum with Dr. Adam Warren (History, UW) Jan. 26, 11am in BS3 1200 Recommended: Lecture by Dr. Warren, Jan. 26, 2pm in HG 1010 |
Wk 4 | ||||
1/29, 1/30 |
O’Toole |
Hill, “Inca of the Blood, Inca of the Soul” [On-campus or VPN access] | ||
1/31, 2/1 |
Lewis Slides (posted after lectures) |
Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act 1, pp. 3-27. | Shakespeare SQ | |
Wk 5 | ||||
2/5, 2/6 |
Lewis Slides (posted after lectures) |
Montaigne, excerpt from Of Cannibals (PDF); Shakespeare, The Tempest, Acts 1-5, pp. 3-87. | ||
2/7, 2/8 |
Lewis |
The Tempest | Recommended: Lecture by Professor Jeff Wasserstrom, 1:30pm, Sunday, 2/11, Bowers Museum | |
Wk 6 | ||||
2/12, 2/13 |
Lewis |
Kipling, “The White Man’s Burden” PDF; Fernández Retamar, excerpt from “Caliban: Notes toward a Discussion of Culture in Our America” PDF; Brathwaite, “Caliban” (PDF) and “Letter Sycorax” (PDF) |
Midterm (in seminar) | |
2/14, 2/15 |
Lewis |
Césaire, A Tempest | Friday Forum Feb. 16: Caliban (Thomas Varga). BS3 1200, 11-11:50am Video |
Wk 7 | ||||
2/19, 2/20 | No Lecture Mon. or Tues.: President’s Day Holiday. Tuesday seminars do meet. |
Start Essay 4 | ||
2/21, 2/22 |
Lewis |
Namjoshi, Because of India: “Snapshots of Caliban” IV; Sycorax, pp. 1-16. PDF Taymor, director, The Tempest (online with captions– You must use your login to access. Or online without captions.) |
Namjoshi SQ | Friday Forum Feb. 23: Prof. John Crawford, “Living in the Tempest.” BS3 1200, 11-11:50am |
Wk 8 | ||||
2/26, 2/27 |
Chaturvedi Slides (viewable after the lectures) |
Gandhi, Hind Swaraj, pp. xiv-xci, 5-76 | Gandhi SQ | |
2/28, 3/1 |
Chaturvedi |
Gandhi, Hind Swaraj, pp. 77-117 | ||
Wk 9 | ||||
3/5, 3/6 |
Chaturvedi |
Savarkar, The Indian War of Independence, prefatory material PDF; Anonymous, “Revolutionary and Reformer: Savarkar’s Career,” Times of India, February 27, 1966, p. 7. PDF | Savarkar SQ | |
3/7, 3/8 |
Chaturvedi |
Savarkar, IWI Part 1 Ch.1 “Swadharma and Swaraj” PDF | Submit your entry to the Arts Competition by 12pm March |
Wk 10 | ||||
3/12, 3/13 |
Chaturvedi |
Ranchod Vira letter PDF | Ranchod Vira SQ | |
3/14, 3/15 |
Chaturvedi |
Nehru, The Discovery of India excerpt, pp. 479-484, 524-536. PDF | Nehru SQ |
Final Exams will be held in seminar classrooms and scheduled according to seminar class times.
Lecture slides available for download
(Please check availability just before the lecture time.)
1/8, 1/9
1/10, 1/11
1/17, 1/18
1/22, 1/23
1/24, 1/25
1/29, 1/30
1/31-2/22 Lewis lecture slides
2/26-3/15 Chaturvedi lecture slides